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What has Mental Health stopped you from doing?

Hey Guys,

Thank you for returning to my blog site, hope your all doing OK on this chilly Wednesday morning.

Today I want to talk about how your mental health condition has stopped you from doing normal everyday things or achieving any dreams or goals you may have.

My dream from a very early age was to join the police force, and I know most children dream of being a policeman or a fireman but for me the passion was stronger than most. I grew up in a very poor council estate where crime was very high and it effected most in the area. I truly wanted to make a difference and decided "when I grow up" that's what I wanted to do.

When I was 18 I signed up for a college course called access to the emergency services where I learned all about the police force and the dream and the passion grew stronger and stronger. aged 19 I applied and got what they call an assessment day where you have to go through several tests both exam and physical tests but unfortunately I failed marginally. I was gutted but was determined to get straight back on it, practice more and next time I will get in.

I decided that maybe a little more life experience would help me in my application and the assessment so got my self a 9 - 5 job but always in the back of my mind was as soon as that recruiting process opened again I was going for it again.

Then aged 21 I got struck down with the curse that is "Anxiety" Now from what I have read on different platforms the police do have support for the officers with regards to mental health but my view on it is that you have to be pretty mentally strong to join the force and I didn't want to start a career in the force with problems from the beginning. I am also pretty sure an officer with anxiety issues wouldn't of been much use at all. But again that's just my opinion.

So on top of the normal social problems anxiety has caused me over the years, losing friends, not going out much and just becoming a nervous wreck I also lost out on my dream. Even now 13 years on I watch all of the police documentaries on TV just dreaming that could be me. However I also am a great believer in everything happens for a reason, so maybe life has a different plan for me?!

Maybe I am still young enough that one day when I have beaten this curse I can fulfil my dream who knows or maybe I will find out what life has got planned for me all along but I cant help but feel that my anxiety has stopped me living my life in more ways then I ever imagined.

So guys I would be very interested to know I am not alone out there and would love you to share with me what your mental health has stopped you from doing, you can contact me in all the usual ways. Your stories will not be published unless specifically requested so please drop me a line.


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