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Christmas Blues

Hi Guys,

Thank you for returning to my blog and a big thank you again for all the positive feedback I've been getting it really does mean the world to me.

Today I want to talk about Christmas and what a lonely time it can be for some people.

So as many of you are aware in the UK over the last few days we had that down pour of snow and on Sunday and Monday I couldn't get the car off my road and get to work, Now typically of me I heard the weather forecast but 1 didn't believe them (you know what its like) and 2 just didn't prepare at all by getting food in or any of the normal house hold stuff you need.

So you can imagine my surprise to wake up Sunday morning for work and find actually I am not going anywhere! cars were stuck and unfortunately for me I live at the bottom of a hill so I had no chance.

I am however quite lucky that I have a convenience store about a ten minute walk from my house or about 20 minutes in snow and ice.

So off I wonder to the shops to get some bits and pieces in and upon walking out my front door I realised that a house 3 doors down from me I have never seen anyone come in or out and the curtains are usually drawn. I have lived there for best part of three years now and have never seen a soul. I do work long hours though so I put it down to this and wandered on my journey to the store.

When I got home I seen another neighbour clearing their pathway so decided to ask about this house and she told me that an old lady lives there on her own and the only people who ever go there are a nurse and one of them food delivery companies. This truly got to me!

So I have decided that this year I am going to put a hamper together with some essentials in and a few nice treats. It has honestly haunted me since finding out that the poor old soul might not even get a Christmas card let alone a present and will be all on her own for Christmas....well all year round.

The point of today's blog is that we can all at times get wrapped up in our own lives and daily stresses and strains that life throws our way, I am certainly guilty of this myself! But for most we have family or friends that we can at least speak to which can make the difference sometimes. But there are people out there of all ages, races and religions that are on their own completely and all I ask of you this Christmas if you are reading this blog and know someone who is on their own please send a card, a gift if you can afford to or if not give some of your time, go round and make them a cup of tea and have a chat, this costs nothing but can make someones day, month or even year! But if it only puts a smile on their face for a minute is it not worth a minute of your time?

There are a few campaigns running at the moment you might of heard of like the 1 Million Minutes campaign on ITV and the Samaritans run one all year round I think so if you don't know of anyone personally you still can help out!

I hope you and all of your friends and family have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to writing a blog in the New Year if you are still out there reading it of course!

Brez x

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