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Whats wrong with you?!

For anyone suffering with mental health conditions this may be a common question you get asked, and if you are anything like me 9 times out of 10 I don’t have the answer!

Even during my medication days I would get days where I got hit by a wall of depression and or low mood. I could be normal and wearing my happy mask one minute then all of a sudden bang low mood sweeps in and there’s nothing I can do about it, even when out doing nice things with friends and family it just wouldn’t shift at all.

Then the usual comments would come out:

“whats wrong with you?”

“why are you down were doing nice things?”

“what have you got to be depressed about?”

All helpful comments from people who lack the understanding!

If we knew the answers to these questions wouldn’t it be so much easier to deal with? Truth is depression is like that big black cloud in the sky that the wind is determined to blow your way, it’s a force of nature and the sufferer simply can’t do anything about it!

It’s not always the case that we don’t know what we are down about maybe work stresses, money worries, all the day-to-day modern life worries we have that normal people can get on with, depression sufferers find it extremely difficult to cope with.

I have noticed since stopping the anti-depressant that these low moods are more common, however this was expected when i decided to stop taking them.

You just have to take each day as it comes and think to yourself this feeling will pass. I know its hard believe me I do, I have been there so many times but I am still here I’ve survived these feelings and if anything it makes me stronger and more determined to beat them next time they arise.

So how do you beat something that you dont know what it even is! Its like being in a fight blind folded and hands tied behind your back!

Keep busy; Do something you enjoy, When depressed this is hard to do but try and persevere with it.

Go for a run excersize is a great way to make you feel good.

meet a friend, seeing the people we love can help to take our minds off our own problems.

Distraction is a great technique for depression, the more we think or over think things the harder it is to get out of it.

I would love to hear from some of you guys about what helps you get out of the black cloud. Please feel free to send me your comments and thoughts either using the contact page, my twitter account @myjourneybrez or the myjourney email address,

Your details will not be used or promoted on the page only your comments.

Thanks for reading.

Take care guys


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