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4 Months no medication

Hi guys,

Thank you for returning to my blog I know yet again it has been some time since I posted on here, I was trying to create a better website for the MyJourney page at the request of some of my followers and was well……. a bit of a disaster.

For those of you that follow my blog I just wanted to update you on the progress of my medication withdrawal.

Its been 4 months now since my breakdown and since I decided to come off the medication, Yes I heard it, I had a breakdown so decided to come of the meds… doesn’t make sense right? But for me it did. I had been on all sorts of varieties and concoctions of medications over the 13 years with all kinds of different side effects and the 12 months leading up to my break down I had changed medications at least 5 times due to some of the side effects.

I think it was inevitable with so many med changes in such a short space of time that something was going to go wrong and for me it did. That night I gathered all of my medications up with a big bottle of water and was prepared to end my life! Thankfully a family member caught me and I was taken to A+E and I am still here today to write this blog.

Anyway 4 months has passed since then and I can honestly say it has been a really tough 4 months, Anxiety has been through the roof and my mood swings were very dramatic but again this is to be expected with medication withdrawal.

With the help of some friends and family and some online friends I think I am starting to feel better now and can start to finally piece my life back together.

Anyway that’s enough about me for now I want to talk about something that I read online recently about a girl who I wont name being called an attention seeker because she writes about mental health issues and makes YouTube videos about it.

For anyone out there reading my blog who thinks either me or anyone else out there suffering mental health related ILLNESS is attention seeking you are completely and utterly wrong! I don’t want attention I don’t want this ILLNESS!! Seriously who would? What you need to remember is this IS an illness a medically diagnosed , researched and proven illness, yes of course there are people out there who will fake it, over dramatise it but you are not the one to decide if it is real or fake! You have no idea what is going on inside of someones mind take Robin Williams for example, who would have thought he was plagued by demons when whenever you seen him make an appearance on TV or in a film he was such a good comedian/actor. Well fact is us mental health sufferers and in particular men become good actors because we feel we can’t talk or open up about how it makes us feel, it would make us weak or pathetic, well you know what guys it doesn’t! In fact I would like one day to turn the tables completely and make it look weak not to talk! Talking has been key in my recovery since my break down and no it isn’t easy! Its one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but now I am starting to feel a little lighter and free of my problems! of course I am still struggling and have bad days but the past month I have done things I once never thought possible.

Lets end the stigma.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post it really does mean a lot and if it only helps one person out there then at least I feel that this is worth it.

Please be aware that coming off medications is not easy and can be dangerous if not done properly and should only be done with the consent and advice from you GP or medical professional.

Please guys keep sending in your feedback and future post topic requests in the usual way by email or head over to my Twitter page @myjourneybrez and send me a DM.

Take care guys


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